1 After seven years of wandering, I Ara-non of Gondor came to the west and settled near Mithar, in the city of Lindol. 2 In seeking a simpler life, apart from being a warrior, I desired meaning and purpose above all other things; over the bloodshed and strife which our worn torn lands had become.
3 Some said it was a fantasy of collected imaginings, and hope, filled mistellings; yet, had I not been there myself - maybe even I would not have believed the wondrous tales. I shall endeavor to pass on to you tales of those days I lived through. 4 But, I Ara-non a weary man from Gondor, once called the Captain of the Third Watch from on the Second Wall; now exhaust my hand in giving an account before the lowly and kings alike. 5 These are the chronicles of Nadan Om’dir and the message he proclaimed to the people of the Mithar’s western lands.
6 On behalf of King Korale, the son of King Nuthcorlan; the third to reign over Mithar have 7 I transcribed these words into the common tongue of Sinquinto. 8 For many in the West no longer spoke the Gondorian speech, as it was seldom used in those days, 9 of that province of Eriduah. 10 The second King, Legandriel decreed a new tongue for his own people be devised, because he foresaw the rise of those who would follow the Nephilim teachers.
2 In the days, when all the elves of 2 Middle Earth had fled and only a handful chose to remain behind, they crafted a new society; one toward becoming great teachers unto men. 3 The greatest of those elven forefathers, was not of those who stayed behind, but he who was later called the Last of the True-Born. 4 Even though he had half-twin siblings, they were far diminished from the elven glory of old. 5 That first born after the Great Departure possessed the very presence of God’s grace that was once only seen in the Vala themselves! 6 Nadan was the son of the Watcher Galadir Om’rond, and the Lady Valinada. 7 Nadan Om’dir was the most extraordinary from among men or elves or wizard kind alike.
8 When most children were at play it was Nadan who could be found sitting on the steps of the Great Hall among its teachers, inquiring of their laws and ancient lore. 9 Asking and answering profound questions well beyond his years so that even the most learned among the teachers were most confounded. 10 He had attended their Watchtower, called Varlendur (which meant Tower of Strong Friends), 11 and rose quickly through their five degrees of its Organizational doctrines and practices. 12 Nadan Om’dir was the youngest to ever have done so, at the age of eight years old! 13 Yet his charm was lacking the self-esteem of greatness, for he aggregated the example of humility before his leaders. 14 Some became aggressive and haughtily against the child and constantly reminded him that he was a mere servant.
15 The day Nadan turned twenty he became a priest of Varlendur for his father, Galadir had bade to him wait out of respect for the old teachers and a greater acceptance of his choices. 16 As all Mitharian priest had done before him; after their fifth degree of training, had become student-scribes, Nadan too became a Caregiver of the Sacred Watcher’s Urn. 17 He was taught somber funeral rites of those who had been so interned.
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